About Us
First and foremost, I appreciate so much that you have taken enough interest in Woodland Edges to even click on the “about us” section of our website. I’m not quite sure if there is a deeper meaning to why you clicked or not, but I’m going to put a tally mark in the win column. Thank you for showing up, let’s get to it.
I’m Caleb, and I married WAY out of my league. Like… WAY. We were both athletes in college and met through mutual friends our sophomore year.

Annie and I tied the knot in 2011 - welcomed our first boy in 2015 (Hunter James), our only girl in 2017 (Raelynn Joy), and our second boy in 2020 (Drake Alan). As you can see in the photo, our house and hearts are overflowing with a lot of different things, but mostly joy.

As a family, we love the outdoors and try to expose and involve our kids in anything that’s active. We love hiking, fishing, hunting, rock hounding, exploring the beach, and anything else in creation. Our main focus these days is to help keep our kids on, what we believe is, the right path. Our goal each day is to teach them to love God, love people, love each other, work hard, and learn.

Along with my parents, Don and Connie, I’m a part owner of Woodland Edges. In fact, I’m the CEO, CFO, COO, product design consultant, assembly line worker, shipping and receiving manager, errand runner, social media marketer, and website designer… BUT so are my parents. Dad and I do the physical labor. Mom handles a lot of the office work and helps with design ideas, trade show booth design and customer service. We all wear all of the hats, all of the time. While growing up, though my mom worked a few different jobs to make ends meet, my dad has been a self employed artist, designer, and creator. For as long as I have been alive, he has never worked for the man. Self-employment is all we know. Either we don’t trust others enough to work for them, or we are just crazy folks that truly believe in our own ideas. I’d like to say it’s just the latter, but it’s probably both.
My parents have done a myriad of things being self employed. From teaching taxidermy, designing and producing fish head and tail salt and pepper shakers, selling realistic wood carvings of animals, designing and producing duck decoys (Don still does this), and everything else in between - they bring a skill set to the table that’s second to none.
For the first 5 years after college, I helped my dad make and sell duck decoys. During that time, I spent well over 10,000 hours painting ducks with a double action airbrush. But, in 2015, through several different ups, downs, and changes in direction, we started an Etsy shop and named it Woodland Edges. We designed a line of wedding decor made of wood such as personalized card boxes, flower girl baskets, ring boxes, easels, and wooden slab guestbooks. We’ve designed a few different home decor items as well.
Due to a million different reasons I don’t care to share, we decided to go a different direction with our woodworking business. Those reasons brought us to our brand new line of cedar home decor. We’ve spent the last year (2022) designing, redesigning, redesigning, and redesigning some more. This process has led us to what you see here on the site. Make no mistake, this is not the end. We are wanderers and designers by nature. New concepts are constantly coming to mind, mostly at 2:30 in the morning. Follow along with us as we constantly add new ideas and new products. We will continue to keep things fresh and new while we innovate, create, and inspire.
Caleb Mintz and family